Blackmail virus

  • Recently, some of our clients had problems with blackmail virus. A blackmailing virus attacked the computer then it encrypted and certain things or everything got transcodered, then renamed, so the important files can not be opened.
  • This phenomenon is becoming more and more common. For the purpose of PREVENTION, how can we fend off this problem? Unfortunately, there is no proper solution to this problem. Please, read and share the story below!
  • It happened with my acquaintance:
  • One day, they wanted to settle and develope their child’s pictures. But if they clicked on any of the pictures, instead of the photo content, a window appeared to pay 3 Bitcoin to X place. The amount was paid, so the photo restoration started with the received application. During copying the ready pictures started to code back again. Panic! The PC got turned off – the virus attack restarted.
  • Eventually, after turning the PC off, then on, the safe data rescueing was successful.
  • Here comes the most IMPORTANT part!
  • This acquintance tried to think back, where, when and how the „infection” could happen.
  • Thinking back, one of his collegaue sent him an attachement which he opened. So the problem could happenned at that time.
  • BUT!
  • This case is not that easy. First of all, when the virus appeared on his system, at that time the virus collected, or chose some email addresses and sent the totally infected mails on behalf of them, which apeared innocent.
  • So I started thinking about a solution of avoiding these noxious mails in a relatively risk free way.
  • Nowadays, almost everyone has (at least) one smart phone. So opening mail’s attachements safely, FIRST of all, it would be worth checking them on mobile phone (in a mailing APP), then make sure the mail is safe and does not contain doubtful mails, afterward we can read it on PC as well.
  • The fact, these viruses only work on PC’s on Windows, so opening something on mobile phone, the virus possibly can not operate, because the phone’s operation system (iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Symbian) can not manage the Windows APP’s.
  • Windows mobile: not tested!!!
  • In this regard maybe the safest the iOS system.
  • If anyone has a question or some experiences in that case, don’t hesitate, contact me, or share your feedback!
  • Thank you for your attention: Zsolt Barth