Contact |
Drop-off point at Budapest:
1054. Budapest, V. district, Báthory street 3., ITV Kurzor Ltd.
Mo – Th 7:30 – 16:30
Friday 7:30 – 15:00
Drop-off point at Szigetszentmiklós:
Call this number for information:
+36 30 370 7307
2310 Szigetszentmiklós, Áprily Lajos street 25.
Drop-off point: you can simply take your device to ITV Kurzor Ltd., located in Budapest, V. district, Báthory street 3. The device will be forwarded to us, and we will prepare the official quotation within one day about the necessary actions. We inform you in details about the recovery costs, the data-recovery ratio and the duration of work which could be 1 or 2 days but could be longer in some cases.
The official quotation will be made in one day and we will contact you and inform you in details about the recovery costs, the data-recovery ratio and the duration of work which could be 1 or 2 days but could be longer in some cases.
Customer service
Mobile: +36 30 370 7307
Viber: +36 30 370 7307
Telegram: +36 30 370 7307
Invoicing and company details:
AdatVissza adatmentés Ltd.
H-2310. Szigetszentmiklós, Áprily Lajos street 25.
Company number: 13-09-212424
Tax number: 29211261-2-13